
No Natty St Pattys!
Come join your NHSCYPAA XXV Host for our LAST EVENT before the conference! There will be food, fellowship, leprechauns ,and a cornhole tournament! There will be an AA meeting from 2-3 and then fellowship and cornhole from 3-6. Hope to see you there!

Brunch Bingo!
Come join NHSCYPAA for our Brunch and Bingo event!
Meeting from 12-1PM
Brunch, bingo, and fellowship 1-4PM
Feb 9th at the Derry Friendship Center

Ugly Sweater Party
Grab your ugliest sweater and join us for our Ugly Sweater Party! We will be having a corn hole tournament ($20 per team entry), music, snacks, and fellowship!

Come join your host committee for a night of food, fellowship, and games. Come spend some time with your AA family and show your gratitude with an unforgettable night.

Spookypaa 2.0
Join us for the spookiest YPAA collab you have ever seen! The NH bid for NECYPAA, NECYPAA XXXIV, and your's truly will be hosting SPOOKYPAA 2.0 - A sequal you don't want to miss!
NHSCYPAA Advisory and Host Hoe Down!
Dosey-doe right on down to our co-event with advisory, the Harvest Hoedown! Bring your cowboy boots and lasso! See you there!

Fall Festival Flag Football and Fellowship with EASCYPAA
Does your team have what it takes to defeat NHSCYPAA or ESCYPAA at fag football? Or are you more of a cheerleader? Come join us for football and fellowship!