Bid Requirements

Host Committee

The Host Committee operates under the AA guidelines for conferences and conventions, consisting of officers, sub-committee, and committee members. The Host committee shall remain autonomous from the Advisory council except in matters affecting other conferences or AA as a whole.

The Host committee must create a banner to represent their conference no larger than 5’ X 5’. 

The bid and Host committees are responsible for their own expenses and cannot expect the Advisory committee to assume any financial obligations. 

The Host committee must turn over all remaining proceeds to the Advisory council at their closeout meeting.

The final hotel contract must be voted on and approved by the Advisory council. Any changes made to the contract during the year must be approved by the Advisory council.

Other Information: All job descriptions for conference chairpersons may be found in the conference guidelines. Concept III (Right of Decision), IV (Right of Participation), and V (Right of Appeal) should always be followed.

Bid Requirements

Revised 2024.


The following is a list of requirements that bidders must fulfill and present to the NHSCYPAA Advisory Council at each year’s conference:

Bidders are asked to inform the Advisory Council Chairperson at least 30 days prior to the conference of their intent to bid, however, all bids will be considered.

Each bidding committee will be allowed 20 minutes to present a bid that meets the criteria outlined below.

1. At least three AA members under the age of 35, with a minimum of one year of sobriety, must represent the bidding committee. Bids must be presented in a manner that is consistent with the 12 Traditions of AA.

2. Bidders should have in place a loose bid committee, consisting of a chair, co-chair, secretary, treasurer, and events chair.

3. The secretary should keep minutes of the meetings and have them available for presentation at the bid session.

4. Bidders must express their preference for possible event locations. Advisory asks that bid committees work with the Advisory Hotel Chair to determine hotel options around the state without contacting hotels directly.

5. Bidders must arrive at a registration price and have available a temporary registration flyer with a mailing address.

6. To ensure the NHSCYPAA operates in the spirit of cooperation, bid committees will show that no large-scale AA activity will be held in the Host’s proposed city 30 days prior and 30 days after the proposed conference dates. This should be demonstrated with a letter from the District Committee Member (DCM) as well as a list of any large-scale AA events and activities that are scheduled near the proposed conference dates. Consider the dates of NERAASA and the Area 43 Convention.

7. Prospective bidders will be required to provide financial records from committee activities, demonstrating financial autonomy and responsibility within the spirit of AA’s 12 Traditions.

8. Bidders must provide a concise statement illustrating their reasons for bidding.

9. Bidders must provide a suitable location for the host committee to hold its meetings.

Hotel Requirements


The following is a list of hotel requirements for future sites of NHSCYPAA:


1. Conference must be scheduled on or around the first weekend in March.

2. It is best if we have a run of the house where no other events will be taking place at the same time as our conference at the hotel.

3. Theater-style seating for at least 400:

  • Friday night from 7 pm – 10 pm with a dance after,

  • Saturday night from 7 pm – 10 pm with a dance after, and

  • Sunday morning around 10 am until noon.

4. Breakout rooms: 

  • 1 Marathon Meeting room for 24-hour marathon meetings starting on Friday afternoon and ending around 10 am on Sunday. Theater-style seating for around 30+ people.

  • 2 or 3 other meeting rooms for panel/topic meetings. Should be available from 9 am to 6 pm on Saturday. Theater-style seating for around 30+ people in each. The main meeting room is usually split into two or three rooms throughout the day on Saturday to accommodate this.

  • 1 breakout room for hospitality. If an additional conference room is not available, you may consider renting a guest room for these purposes 

5. 24-hour coffee priced at a flat rate is best. We usually have a flat rate for coffee with complimentary meeting space, provided that we meet 80% of our room block.

6. A guest room block of 30 rooms Friday, and 30 rooms Saturday. The room rate should be available two nights before and two nights after the event.

7. The group room rate should be available throughout the conference weekend. We have many walk-in attendees.

8. The room rate should include single, double, triple, and quad occupancy.

9. Space for several tables for registration and information for other conferences at or near the main entrance/gathering area.

10. All prices except guest room rates to be inclusive of tax and gratuity.

11. We must be able to pay the remainder of our bill (after deposit) on Saturday evening or Sunday morning as most of our attendees are walk-ins and their registrations are what we use to pay the bills